Replace an Arduino UNO Microcontroller IC by yourself

You may need to replace your Arduino UNO Microcontroller IC with a new one, if the old one has blown up due to over heating or due to any other cause it is not working. Arduino Uno is with an ATMEGA328P MCU IC in DIP[Dual Inline Package] form & you just need to replace it with the same kind of IC. Just search over any online vendor, or even to the local market, you will surely get one in cheaper price. The Exact part number is "ATMEGA328P-PU".

 The Video Iillustrate How to Replace your MCU IC in Arduino UNO.

While Extraction of the Old MCU IC

Even if you have an IC extraction tool as shown in this video, you need to use a screwdriver with a flat sharp edge in order to take out the old MCU chip.Use the screwdriver to gently lift an end of the IC at a time until there is enough space to fit the IC extraction tool on both sides of the IC.
CAUTION: Lifting either end of the IC too high will result in the pins at the opposite end getting bent.

Fixing the New Microcontroller IC

The new microcontroller pins are bent at an angle as shown on the left of the image below.
Comparing the Pins of New & Old IC, ATMEGA328P-PU
Comparing the Pins of New & Old IC, ATMEGA328P-PU

The new IC on the left has pins bent outward, the used IC on the right has pins pointing straight down

Bend the pins inward one side at a time by lying the IC on its side, pressing down and rolling slightly towards the tips of the pins. This will make it possible to insert the IC into the IC socket.
When inserting the IC into the socket, make sure that you insert the IC the correct way around. Pin 1 of the IC is shown in the photo below.
Arduino UNO, with ATMEGA328P-PU pin 1 indicated
Arduino UNO, with ATMEGA328P-PU Pin 1 indicated
After placing the new microcontroller IC into the Arduino Uno board, it is necessary to load the bootloader to the new Microcontroller. Just go to Arduino IDE & use the option of "Burn Bootloader".
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