Extracting & Saving frames from a Video file using Matlab Code
A video file consists of frames. These frames when appear before us in a rate more than our perception of vision, gives a sensation of an object moving before us, by looking just at the screen on which frames are appearing at high rate.
Thus one can say that frames are the fundamental entity of a video file.
In this project we are opening one video file, & grabbing each video frame. At last we are saving them frame by frame as an image file, in the folder "snaps" in the working directory.
OUTPUT AT MATLAB COMMAND PROMPT while executing the code for Extracting & Saving of frames from a Video file through Matlab.
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Extracting & Saving of frames from a Video file through Matlab Code, MATLAB Command Window Output |
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The Folder At Which The Frames Are Saved |
Above Screen Shot of the frames OUTPUT AT The Folder while executing the code for Extracting & Saving of frames from a Video file through Matlab.
%%Extracting & Saving of frames from a Video file through Matlab Code%%
close all;
clear all;
% assigning the name of sample avi file to a variable
filename = 'rhinos.avi';
%reading a video file
mov = VideoReader(filename);
% Defining Output folder as 'snaps'
opFolder = fullfile(cd, 'snaps');
%if not existing
if ~exist(opFolder, 'dir')
%make directory & execute as indicated in opfolder variable
%getting no of frames
numFrames = mov.NumberOfFrames;
%setting current status of number of frames written to zero
numFramesWritten = 0;
%for loop to traverse & process from frame '1' to 'last' frames
for t = 1 : numFrames
currFrame = read(mov, t); %reading individual frames
opBaseFileName = sprintf('%3.3d.png', t);
opFullFileName = fullfile(opFolder, opBaseFileName);
imwrite(currFrame, opFullFileName, 'png'); %saving as 'png' file
%indicating the current progress of the file/frame written
progIndication = sprintf('Wrote frame %4d of %d.', t, numFrames);
numFramesWritten = numFramesWritten + 1;
end %end of 'for' loop
progIndication = sprintf('Wrote %d frames to folder "%s"',numFramesWritten, opFolder);
%End of the code
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