Upsampling & Interpolation of Discrete Signal/Sequence using MATLAB : MATLAB code for Upsampling & Interpolation

Upsampling is a process of inserting zero-amplitude samples between original samples to increase the sampling rate. (also called zero stuffing) whereas Interpolation is the process of upsampling followed by filtering(Low Pass) to create in between samples from the original spaced samples.It can be just viewed that we are adding the average value of the original sample in place of zero valued samples.

Up-sampling & Interpolating of Original Signal using MATLAB : MATLAB code for Upsampling & Interpolation
Up-sampling & Interpolating of Original Signal using MATLAB : MATLAB code for Upsampling & Interpolation
MATLAB code for Up-sampling & Interpolation
close all;
clear all;
n=input('Enter length of input sequence:');
l=input('Enter up-sampling factor:');

m=0:n-1; %making a vector m from the lenght of input sequence
a=input('Enter Slope of Ramp Signal:');
x = (0:n-1)*a;
% for generating ramp signal x with a slope of a
%replace your own signal/sequence with the variable x

xlabel('Time N');
title('Input Signal');

lx = n;
y = 0;
y(1) = x(1);
for i=2:lx
    c = [zeros(1,l-1),x(i)];
%inserting zeros in between original samples
y = [y,c];

%Upsampled version of signal
xlabel('Time N');
title('Up-Sampled Output of Signal');


yi = interp(xi,l);
%interpolation output
xlabel('Time N');
title('Interpolator Output');

Sample Input through MATLAB command Window:

Enter length of input sequence:10
Enter up-sampling factor:2
Enter Slope of Ramp Signal:2

Output of above Inputs:
Original Input Signal : MATLAB Plot : MATLAB Code for Upsampling & Interpolation of discrete signal
Original Input Signal : MATLAB Plot

Up-sampled Version of the signal : MATLAB Plot :  MATLAB code for Upsampling & Interpolation
Up-sampled Version of the signal : MATLAB Plot
Up-sampled & Interpolated Version of the signal : MATLAB Plot :  MATLAB code for Upsampling & Interpolation
Up-sampled & Interpolated Version of the signal : MATLAB Plot

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