Creating & Using Sparse Matrix & Vectors in MATLAB - Concepts & Examples
So the first question, What is a sparse Matrix /Vector or Signal & why should we bother about this?
The answer is, a sparse matrix is
any matrix that contains very few non-zero elements or conversely a matrix whose most elements are zero. In real world situations, mostly the signal are sparse in nature, so there is a need of them in our test scenarios in order to efficiently develop algorithms & methods to deal with them in real world.
For example, the below 7x7 is sparse, with a sparsity nearly 30% (i.e., 3 out of 10 elements are non zero)
0 2 0 0 0 7 0
6 0 0 5 0 7 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 9 5 0 0
5 0 0 9 1 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
4 0 0 9 0 9 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2
4 0 0 9 0 9 0
Another example would be a 10x1 column vector, with a sparsity of 30% (i.e., 3 out of 10 elements are non zero)
Sparse signal in MATLAB is designated as a special data type.
Main reason for that:
- The data type stores the sparse signal such that it knows what was the actual dimension of it, & wherever the matrix elements are non zero it will conserve its value & the corresponding coordinates. Thus saving a lot of memory space.
- Vector and matrix operations can be sped up significantly by not processing the elements that are zero. Thus saving a lot of CPU time.
So, how MATLAB's sparse datatype works?
Suppose we have created a 10x1 sparse vector named 'A' with a sparsity of 30% the MATLAB Sparse datatype will interpret it as,
A <10x1 sparse double> %Matlab's sparse data type stores the original dimension of sparse vector
val =
(1,1) 0.9427 % Only the coordinates & the corresponding values in them is retained
(8,1) 0.4177 % Where the value is non zero
(10,1) 0.9831
(1,1) 0.9427 % Only the coordinates & the corresponding values in them is retained
(8,1) 0.4177 % Where the value is non zero
(10,1) 0.9831
Taking another example of a 7x7 sparse matrix, MATLAB's sparse datatype will store it as,
A <7x7 sparse double> %Matlab's sparse data type stores the original dimension of sparse matrix
val =
(1,1) 0.2518
(1,2) 0.2904
(4,2) 0.7302
(7,2) 0.2607
(2,3) 0.6171
(3,3) 0.9827
(5,3) 0.5841
(7,3) 0.5944
(2,4) 0.2653
(5,4) 0.1078
(2,5) 0.8244
(4,5) 0.3439
(5,5) 0.9063
(5,6) 0.8797
(5,7) 0.8178
(1,1) 0.2518
(1,2) 0.2904
(4,2) 0.7302
(7,2) 0.2607
(2,3) 0.6171
(3,3) 0.9827
(5,3) 0.5841
(7,3) 0.5944
(2,4) 0.2653
(5,4) 0.1078
(2,5) 0.8244
(4,5) 0.3439
(5,5) 0.9063
(5,6) 0.8797
(5,7) 0.8178
NOTE: Just like a normal matrix, on a Sparse matrix you can apply arithmetic operation, moreover all the matrix in that operation need not to be a sparse one.
Suppose Sparse MATRIX A is having the value, A is 7x7 Sparse MATRIX
A =
(1,1) 0.2518
(1,2) 0.2904
(4,2) 0.7302
(7,2) 0.2607
(2,3) 0.6171
(3,3) 0.9827
(5,3) 0.5841
(7,3) 0.5944
(2,4) 0.2653
(5,4) 0.1078
(2,5) 0.8244
(4,5) 0.3439
(5,5) 0.9063
(5,6) 0.8797
(5,7) 0.8178
Suppose Sparse MATRIX B random 7x7 matrix,
-0.5583 0.6076 -0.4470 0.1269 -0.3086 0.1093 0.6001
-0.3114 -0.1178 0.1097 -0.6568 -1.0966 1.8140 0.5939
-0.5700 0.6992 1.1287 -1.4814 -0.4930 0.3120 -2.1860
-1.0257 0.2696 -0.2900 0.1555 -0.1807 1.8045 -1.3270
-0.9087 0.4943 1.2616 0.8186 0.0458 -0.7231 -1.4410
-0.2099 -1.4831 0.4754 -0.2926 -0.0638 0.5265 0.4018
-1.6989 -1.0203 1.1741 -0.5408 0.6113 -0.2603 1.4702
-0.5583 0.6076 -0.4470 0.1269 -0.3086 0.1093 0.6001
-0.3114 -0.1178 0.1097 -0.6568 -1.0966 1.8140 0.5939
-0.5700 0.6992 1.1287 -1.4814 -0.4930 0.3120 -2.1860
-1.0257 0.2696 -0.2900 0.1555 -0.1807 1.8045 -1.3270
-0.9087 0.4943 1.2616 0.8186 0.0458 -0.7231 -1.4410
-0.2099 -1.4831 0.4754 -0.2926 -0.0638 0.5265 0.4018
-1.6989 -1.0203 1.1741 -0.5408 0.6113 -0.2603 1.4702
Then the arithmetic operation can be easily performed by typing C=A+B(in this case no conversion is ever needed, as matlab interpret the sparse data type at root level a matrix)
-0.3065 0.8980 -0.4470 0.1269 -0.3086 0.1093 0.6001
-0.3114 -0.1178 0.7267 -0.3915 -0.2722 1.8140 0.5939
-0.5700 0.6992 2.1114 -1.4814 -0.4930 0.3120 -2.1860
-1.0257 0.9999 -0.2900 0.1555 0.1631 1.8045 -1.3270
-0.9087 0.4943 1.8456 0.9263 0.9521 0.1565 -0.6233
-0.2099 -1.4831 0.4754 -0.2926 -0.0638 0.5265 0.4018
-1.6989 -0.7595 1.7685 -0.5408 0.6113 -0.2603 1.4702
Similarly it is applicable to Matrix operations like subtraction (if dimensions are agreed), multiplication(if dimensions are agreed), transpose, inverse(if non singular).
So, after understanding all these stuffs, the question will be How to generate A sparse Matrix or Vector in MATLAB?
Well its very simple, MATLAB have some inbuilt functions to achieve this task! (Yes there are many other & efficient ways to generate rather using this inbuilt commands that we will discuss in our upcoming articles.)
Function 1: speye(N) --> This command will create a sparse NxN identity matrix & store it as a sparse data type.
speye(6) will give the result as:
ans =
(1,1) 1
(2,2) 1
(3,3) 1
(4,4) 1
(5,5) 1
(6,6) 1
Function 2: sprand(M,N,% sparsity) -->This command will generate a sparse MxN random sparse matrix whose element's value varies from 0 to 1 & store it as a sparse data type. %sparsity has to be between 0 to 1.
For making a sparse column vector, set M=1 & for sparse row vector, set N=1.
sprand(6,6,0.4) will give the result as: (40% sparsity as 0.4*100=40
ans =
(2,1) 0.4162
(2,2) 0.8419
(4,3) 0.6135
(5,3) 0.5407
(1,4) 0.6620
(2,4) 0.8329
(4,4) 0.5822
(3,5) 0.2564
(5,5) 0.8699
(6,6) 0.2648
Function 3: sprandn(M,N,% sparsity) -->This command will generate a normally distributed sparse MxN random matrix whose element's value can be negative. %sparsity has to be between 0 to 1.
For making a sparse column vector, set M=1 & for sparse row vector, set N=1.
sprandn(6,6,0.4) will give the result as: (40% sparsity as 0.4*100=40
ans =
(1,1) 0.0668
(2,1) 0.0355
(6,1) 0.3165
(4,2) -0.5073
(3,3) -0.0692
(4,3) 0.2358
(6,3) -1.3429
(4,4) 0.2458
(2,5) 2.2272
(4,5) 0.0700
(4,6) -0.6086
(5,6) -1.2226
Interconversion functions (From Sparse to Matrix representation & vice versa):
If the user is having trouble understanding the sparse datatype or require a full matrix of the sparse dignal thus generated the function he/she has to use is, full( A )
* Here A is a Sparse matrix.
Taking previous example, of sprandn(6,6,0.4),
if we want it to see it as full matrix, we would have used it as,
or simply "X=full(sprandn(6,6,0.4))" the result of which is,
X =
0 -0.4320 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.6489 0
0 0 -0.3601 0 0 0.7059
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1.4158 0 0 -1.6045 1.0289
0 0 0 0 0 0
For getting the it back to sparse datatype, we need to use another function "sparse(X)", here X is a matrix which is sparse in nature (e.g, above matrix X).
So type the command "Y=sparse(X)", you will get the result as,
Y =
(1,2) -0.4320
(5,2) 1.4158
(3,3) -0.3601
(2,5) 0.6489
(5,5) -1.6045
(3,6) 0.7059
(5,6) 1.0289
NOTE:(Special case) If you are converting Zero Matrix or Zero Vector to a sparse datatype variable it will look like as, All zero sparse: M-by-N, example of which,
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Y =
All zero sparse: 6-by-6